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Category Archives: inspiration

What We Wish For

My life broke. That’s the best way I know to explain the past nine months. I’d been going ninety to nothing, publishing my first novel, loving my family hard, raising three kids, each in a different school, managing aging parents, aging pets, peanut allergies and a husband whose work kept him out of town for...

Listening For My Sister

  Listening for my Sister… I shared a very personal essay today on Jennifer Haupt’s Psychology Today blog – I hope you’ll share it with those you love, who form the community of YOUR heart – the community you all have become in my life. And if you have a moment, drop by the blog...

When She Reads | Literacy & Hope

When She Reads | Literacy & Hope. I’m reblogging this post from Literacy & Hope, an organization I am so proud to support through my work with I know that both the post and the founder, Alyse Urice, will inspire you this weekend and remind you of the true value of literacy – HOPE....

Never Past the Reach of Song

When I was writing THE RIVER WITCH, I came across this wonderful video that confirmed all the things I know (and suspect) to be true about the power of music in our lives. A friend reminded me of this particular piece today and I thought it was worth sharing. The character of Otis Green came...