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Tag Archives: AlpharettaMoms.Org

What’s In Your Attic?

I contributed this guest post for AlpharettaMoms.Org this month. Hope you enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving!! *** WHAT’S IN YOUR ATTIC Today I cleaned out my attic. It’s a walk-in attic full...

Watching this opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics and it’s like the whole wide, tired world gets a beautiful Bonus Macy’s Parade in summer! Bringing all the love and joy and gratitude! I’m a fan! 🎉

I`m so grateful for this beautiful review from @pwpics! Thank you so much!

*Full review link in bio

#thefabledearth #review #publishersweekly #fallreads #bookclubsofinstagram #bookclub #southernfiction

Get you a friend who will meet you for gumbo every few years, for decades, and just sort everything out. World peace? Sure. Publishing? You bet. Church? Done. Family? No problem. Let’s not wait until 2028 @superwritermom to do this again!
#writerslife #authorsofinstagram #authorssupportingauthors #TheFabledEarth #NobodysPerfect #atlantaauthors

COVER REVEAL! Congrats @joywcal on this gorgeous new book! I can`t wait until May 6, 2025 for THE STAR OF CAMP GREENE!!! Add this to your Goodreads #tbr today!

About the book:
Sometimes heroism is found in dreams deferred.

Charlotte, NC. 1918. Broadway darling Calla Connolly had it all: a flourishing career on the stage and a loving fiancé, a fellow stage actor. But after his tragic death early in the war, Calla is touring the American Army training camps, hoping to convince General Pershing to let her tour the French front to cheer the men and honor her fiancé`s memory. But her hopes are dashed when she contracts Spanish flu while performing at Camp Greene.

While convalescing, Calla inadvertently overhears a sensitive Army secret and is ordered to remain at Camp Greene for the duration of the war while her former mentor and rival steals her tour out from under her. Having no choice but to stay at the camp, she becomes the resident performer and forms attachments to several musician soldiers.

When she falls in love with the man responsible for trapping her at camp, the mission she`s sworn to keep secret threatens the men she`s come to care for. Calla is forced to decide what her dreams are worth--and if the future she never expected might only be possible if she lets those dreams go.

Roughly inspired by the woman whose WW1 tours encouraged the establishment of the USO in WWII, The Star of Camp Greene is a moving tale of heroism and the strength it takes to find your voice and use it for others.

Fuzzy antlers. Late morning snack. Grounding. Grateful.
#newbie #grounding #Larkwood