Hi All! Are you as excited as I am to kick off this journey of a lifetime? Follow me today (well, technically tomorrow. Thursday. But I’m not staying up til midnight to post this, okay?) and don’t worry about your trail of bread crumbs! There’s plenty at the table at “Petit Fours and Hot Tamales”!
Today is my first guest post on the blog tour for my debut novel The River Witch, NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, and bellebooks.com. And I’m elated to have you come along to learn a little about the book and me. I’ll be answering questions about the novel, my writing process, and even share a wonderful recipe from the Damascus Feast in the book…
Can I tempt you? Click this link and get a taste of my new book and “Petit Fours and Hot Tamales”!